Thursday, January 9, 2014

I love the word The

Want to enforce SchemaName.TableName to your domain models (think AdventureWorks)? i.e., you wanted this:

var personList = 
    from p in session.Query<Person.Person>
    select p;

var storeList = 
    from s in session.Query<Sales.Store>
    select s;

You can't use namespace..

namespace Domain.Models
    namespace Person
        public class Person
        public class BusinessEntityContact

    namespace Sales
        public class Store
} developers can opt out of Person or Sales namespace by importing the namespace through C#'s using, some would do this:

using Domain.Models.Sales;


var list = 
    from p in session.Query<Store>
    select p;

To achieve enforcement of Schema name on your domain classes, do this instead:

namespace Domain.Models
    public static class Person
        public class Person
        public class BusinessEntityContact

    public static class Sales
        public class Store

However that will not work, it's not allowed for the nested class to have the same name as its containing class, e.g., Person.Person. So we must use some convention to eliminate the compiler error through naming convention, e.g.:

namespace Domain.Models
    public static class PersonSchema
        public class Person
        public class BusinessEntityContact

    public static class SalesSchema
        public class Store

But I prefer prefixing the word The:

namespace Domain.Models
    public static class ThePerson
        public class Person
        public class BusinessEntityContact

    public static class TheSales
        public class Store

Using that convention, reading the code rolls off the tongue quite nicely:

var personList = 
    from p in session.Query<ThePerson.Person>
    select p;

var businessContactList = 
    from c in session.Query<ThePerson.BusinessContact>
    select c;

var storeList = 
    from s in session.Query<TheSales.Store>
    select s;

Sorry Entity Framework, the Set method doesn't cut it:

var list = 
    from s in context.Set<TheSales.Store>
    select s;

Happy Coding! ツ

1 comment:

  1. Nice trick! I'm also a fan of short and creative prefixes and suffixes.

    My last creation was "RedirectByUs" when I wrapped the Response.Redirect() method in ASP.NET ;-)
