Sunday, July 20, 2014

protected internal

Anne Epstein has a great NHibernate article on making an entity with a composite primary key be lazy-loading-capable and cache-ready. Just forgot to hide the ORM low-level plumbing concerns (the composite primary key) from the domain model

Similar to AdventureWorks' EmployeePayHistory. Just use protected internal to hide that ORM low-level plumbing concern
public class PersonPayHistory
    PersonPayHistoryCompositePK _pk = new PersonPayHistoryCompositePK();
    protected internal PersonPayHistoryCompositePK PersonPayHistoryCompositePK 
        get { return _pk; }
        set { _pk = value; }

    Person _person;
    public virtual Person Person 
        get { return _person; }
            _person = value;
            _pk.PersonId = _person.PersonId;

    public virtual DateTime RateDate
        get { return _pk.RateDate; }
        set { _pk.RateDate = value; }

    public virtual decimal Rate { get; set; }

So we will not make the mistake of saving our entity through those composite primary key:

var ph = new PersonPayHistory
    Person = session.Load<Person>(1),
    RateDate = DateTime.Today,

    Rate = 1337M

session.Save (ph);
session.Flush ();

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