Monday, February 27, 2012

A primer on unit testing with Moq

The following code is a primer on unit testing, just get Moq from Nuget. Note: Actual unit testing should be done on a separate project, not on Main method :-) This code just demonstrates how elegant Moq is for unit testing needs.

using System;

using Moq;

namespace MoqSample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // ARRANGE
            decimal amount = 100;

            // that's why you will love unit testing, mishaps could be avoided :-)
            string errorMessage = "Could be an anomaly, passed amount is different from amount to transfer"; 

            var mockedSource = new Mock<IAccount>();
            mockedSource.Setup(x => x.Withdraw(It.Is<decimal>(a => a != amount))).Throws(new Exception(errorMessage));
            mockedSource.Setup(x => x.Deposit(It.Is<decimal>(a => a != amount))).Throws(new Exception(errorMessage));
            var mockedDest = new Mock<IAccount>();
            mockedDest.Setup(x => x.Withdraw(It.Is<decimal>(a => a != amount))).Throws(new Exception(errorMessage));
            mockedDest.Setup(x => x.Deposit(It.Is<decimal>(a => a != amount))).Throws(new Exception(errorMessage));

            // ACT

            int test = 0;
             * 0's error: NONE
             * 1's error:
             * Expected invocation on the mock should never have been performed, but was 1 times: source => source.Deposit(.amount)
             * 2's error:
             * Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 2 times: dest => dest.Deposit(.amount)
             * 3's error:
             * Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: dest => dest.Deposit(.amount)
             * 4's error:
             * Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: source => source.Withdraw(.amount)
             * 5's error:
             * Could be an anomaly, passed amount is different from transfer amount
             * */

            if (test == 0)
                TransactionMaker.TransferFund(mockedSource.Object, mockedDest.Object, amount);                
            else if (test == 1)
                TransactionMaker.TransferFundBuggy1(mockedSource.Object, mockedDest.Object, amount);                
            else if (test == 2)
                TransactionMaker.TransferFundBuggy2(mockedSource.Object, mockedDest.Object, amount);
            else if (test == 3)
                TransactionMaker.TransferFundBuggy3(mockedSource.Object, mockedDest.Object, amount);
            else if (test == 4)
                TransactionMaker.TransferFundBuggy4(mockedSource.Object, mockedDest.Object, amount);                
            else if (test == 5)
                TransactionMaker.TransferFundAnomalous(mockedSource.Object, mockedDest.Object, amount);                
                throw new Exception("Select test case from 0 to 5");

            // ASSERT

            mockedSource.Verify(source => source.Withdraw(amount), Times.Once());
            mockedSource.Verify(source => source.Deposit(amount), Times.Never());

            mockedDest.Verify(dest => dest.Deposit(amount), Times.Once());
            mockedDest.Verify(dest => dest.Withdraw(amount), Times.Never());



    public static class TransactionMaker

        public static void TransferFund(IAccount sourceAccount, IAccount destAccount, decimal amountToTransfer)

        public static void TransferFundBuggy1(IAccount sourceAccount, IAccount destAccount, decimal amountToTransfer)

        public static void TransferFundBuggy2(IAccount sourceAccount, IAccount destAccount, decimal amountToTransfer)

        public static void TransferFundBuggy3(IAccount sourceAccount, IAccount destAccount, decimal amountToTransfer)

        public static void TransferFundBuggy4(IAccount sourceAccount, IAccount destAccount, decimal amountToTransfer)

        public static void TransferFundAnomalous(IAccount sourceAccount, IAccount destAccount, decimal amountToTransfer)
            destAccount.Deposit(amountToTransfer + 0.5M);


    public interface IAccount
        void Withdraw(decimal v);
        void Deposit(decimal v);

    public class Account : IAccount
        public void Withdraw(decimal amount)

        public void Deposit(decimal amount)

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